Minggu, 06 November 2011

The Past & The Future

I dont think this not ganna make it, but lets keep it try. I think its a hard way. But i must to keep going with it, no matter how hard this way no matter how imposibble. Gw rasa gw gk usah nulis yang satu itu..

Right, changes topik, finally project majalah hampir selesai, tapi gw ngerasa kurang puas, you know what? Kontribusi gw disana gk banyak, just take a picture, choose a right picture for right momen. But next edition,  i must do more then last. 

By the way, kok ruangan ini beraroma pete. Sapa yang makan pete? Tapi pete itu baik buat kesehatan, buat yang sudah buang air kecil, pete bisa membantu melancarkan buang air kecil, tapi saat ini gw belum bisa nemu data-data tsb. Tapi gw pengen bisa ngbahas pete buat majalah edisi selajutnya. Yah walaupun termasuk sayuran kampung. But i think its nice to share.. i hope it makes a good articles.

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